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Courage and Commitment: When Things Don't Go Our Way
About 3 weeks ago, Major League Baseball celebrated the anniversary of Jackie Robinson’s entrance into the Major Leagues. Beyond all the pomp and circumstance, I had time to reflect on all those moments when things were tough in sports or life. Each and everyone of us has had those moments where we had to check in with the deepest part of ourselves and decide if this was all worth it. I thought on the Anniversary of Jackie's entrance, and what it must have been like to be competing on a playing field when virtually everyone else present wished you weren't there. The majority of the fans, players, managers, and even his own teammates, wanted him gone. Wow, that's pressure. Playing a difficult game against all odds, and coming out on top. I don't know of many of us who could have kept our chin up, under that kind of pressure. So, I guess what I am getting at, is to never give up on yourself. Many of you this spring have probably experienced less playing time, or got cut from the team of your choice, or haven't had the season you planned on having. The natural instinct is to feel sorry for yourself and get discouraged. At those times, we just need to have a gut check and see what's inside. Hard work and a positive attitude always pays off, one way or the other. This spring has proven that to me. Two of my former athletes that were told at 14 that they probably wouldn't compete successfully at the High School level, proved everyone wrong. One just got scouted by the Boston Red Sox National Cross Checker, and will probably get drafted in June, and the other was named Player of the Week last week in his college conference. Hmm! If they would have quit working hard, they never would have experienced what they did this spring. I am so happy for both of them. Remember, that your day is coming too, if you want it. So, when you get down on yourself, think of Jackie Robinson, and how tough it was for him to stay focused. And, remember the words of Henry Ford "Whether you think you Can or Can't, you're probably right".


Coach Potts
May 2, 2007




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